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Tailwind Utilities
- Media queries
, etc mx-auto
(flex-grow: 1, flex-shrink: 1, flex-basis: 0)
Blueprint Theme
In tailwind.config.ts, we have a custom color theme that we use throughout the site. This is how we define it:
blueprint: {
50: "#E7F2FE",
100: "#aed9ff",
200: "#7dbdff",
300: "#4aa3ff",
400: "#1a89ff",
500: "#006fe6",
600: "#0056b4",
700: "#003e82",
800: "#002551",
900: "#000d21",
DEFAULT: "#006fe6",
Example usage:
// Font color with weightage
<h2 className="text-blueprint-700"> ... </h2>
// Background color
<div className="bg-blueprint"> ... </div>
We impose a max-width on the container wrapping all website content. This is how we define it:
container: {
center: true,
padding: {
DEFAULT: "2rem",
screens: {
sm: "600px",
md: "728px",
lg: "944px",
xl: "1000px",
"2xl": "1256px",
This is just a "good-to-know", you would probably not have to modify this any time soon.
Weird bugs
There's this weird issue that's caused by PurgeCSS (which comes with Tailwind). It purges all unecessary classes from the CSS file, but some times it goes too far and purges our classes which are generated in Javascript dynamically.
For example, if we have a class like this, and we set NAV_BREAKPOINT='md'
<div className={`${NAV_BREAKPOINT}:hidden`}>...</div>
We would expect the final div to have the class md:hidden
, but it doesn't. This is because PurgeCSS doesn't know that we've set NAV_BREAKPOINT='md'
dynamically using a template literal, so it removes the hidden
class altogether.
A solution to this problem is described in this GitHub discussion.
const NAV_BREAKPOINT = "md";
const styles = {
div: {
xs: "xs:hidden",
sm: "sm:hidden",
md: "md:hidden",
lg: "lg:hidden",
xl: "xl:hidden",
<div className={styles.div[NAV_BREAKPOINT]}> ... </div>;
Essentially, we create a "lookup table" for the classes we want to use, and then we use the dynamic key to access the correct class.