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This page lists some of the key "good-to-know" features of Next.js that are extensively used in developing Blueprint apps. As well, it provides some Blueprint-specific guidelines for using these features.

Environment Variables

Read more from the official Next.js docs.

Important Notes
  • Always store sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and other secrets in environment variables. Never hardcode them in your codebase.

  • Never commit the .env.local file to your repository (it should be added to .gitignore). This is to ensure that sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and other secrets are not exposed.

  1. Create a .env.local file in the root of your project.
  2. Add environment-specific variables on new lines in the form of NAME=value.
  3. Create a .env.local.example file to provide a template for developers to fill in their own environment variables.
  4. Access environment variables in your code using process.env.NAME.

Note: Environment variables are loaded into process.env at build time on the server. They are not available in the browser for security purposes. To expose environment variables to the browser, you can use the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix. Read more about NEXT_PUBLIC_ from the official docs here.

Blueprint Guideline

Make sure to always include a .env.local.example file in your project to provide a template for developers to fill in their own environment variables.

File-based Routing

Next.js offers a file-based router by default (no need to install additional libraries like react-router-dom).

Since I already know I can't do a better job at explaning how all this works than the official Next.js docs, I'll just link you to the File-based Routing section of the Next.js docs. This might also be useful: Next.js Project Structure (special file names).

File-based Routing

Here are some key questions that the official docs answer:

  • How do I create a new page or route?
  • How do layouts work to create shared components like Navbars and Footers in nested routes?
  • How do I create dynamic routes with URL parameters and query parameters? (e.g. /projects/:id and /projects?category=web-dev)
  • How do I get the current route in my components? (e.g. useParams, useSearchParams, useRouter, usePathname)

Blueprint-specific guides

All you need to know that might be Blueprint specific is that we use the newer App Router instead of the older Pages Router wherever we can.

App Router vs Pages Router

  • src folder still in use
  • Colocation: ./assets, ./components in page folders.
  • Global folders: src/lib, src/components.
  • There should only be page.tsx, layout.tsx, possibly some CSS files or even 1 or 2 global components like Footer or Navbar in page folders.

Import aliases

import Image from "next/image";
import BlockContainer from "./BlockContainer";
import image from "../assets/projectpic.png";
import LinkButton from "@/components/LinkButton";
  • include screnshot of project dir

Image Optimization

  • import Image from "next/image";
  • Styling images using Tailwind (link to Tailwind docs section)
  • Image colocation (import from ./assets)

Data Fetching

  • Server-side rendering
  • Async components (Math.random on server and client example)

use client

  • Some libraries (e.g. typewriter-effect) makes use of useState and useEffect in their implementation which can cause issues when used on the server. If you see weird errors, consider if you're using an imported UI component that may implicitly require use client.
Blueprint Guidelines
  • When using use client, always try to refactor out the component such that use client is applied to the smallest, most low-level component possible.
  • Always minimize the amount of code in a use client component to optimize performance.
"use client"; // for typewriter-effect

import Typewriter from "typewriter-effect";


export default function HeroBlock() {
return (
strings: ["Tech for social good", "Carleton Blueprint"],
autoStart: true,
loop: true,
Did you know?

This is only a temporary issue and will slowly be resolved as more libraries are updated to be compatible with server-side rendering.

API Routes

  • Touch very briefly on API routes. No in-depth knowledge required. (just know this exists)